Photos from Conduct Becoming

This gallery is from launch of the 2007 Conduct Becoming album

These photos were taken at the Conduct Becoming 2007 Launches in Sackville on March 27th and 30th. The first launch was held at the Tantramarsh Club, with about a dozen acts playing and a couple hundred people in attendance. The second launch took place at the university president's home, and was a very enjoyable event for a smaller crowd. Special thanks to Sue Seaborn for taking a number of these photos.

The Conduct Becoming project was founded in 2001, both as a general way to help raise funds for cancer research, and also to specifically honor the memory of Jason Abraham, a student at Mount Allison University (and friend of DJ Bolivia) who passed away due to cancer on March 27th, 2000. Every year since then, the Conduct Becoming group have released a CD, featuring a wide diversity of original works from student and staff musicians at Mount Allison. Net proceeds from the sale of these CD's are donated to help support cancer research.

Mike Allison was the MC for the main launch night at the Mount Allison University Pub (with assistance from Mark Geddes).

Steve Melanson, working the sound boards.

Amy & Alicia.

Mount Allison University Rugby players, who were getting their legs waxed for charity.

CD's for sale at the merchandise booth.

Another photo of Mike Allison, as he was performing.

Craig Lutes and Haley Regan.

Darren Wheaton, filling in on the sound boards while Steve was performing.

Mal, this year's VP External on the Students' Administrative Council.

Katherine, another member of the SAC, with Kristin, who has been one of this year's Entertainment Directors for the university.

Scooter and Carolyn.

Shannon, who was bartending on the main launch night.

Joe Frigault, of the Humble Bees.

Neil McIntyre on drums, and Mark Payne on bass guitar (the Humble Bees).

Zach Gough, of the Humble Bees.

Frank Strain, economics professor and well-known local musician, performing as a solo artist.

Mark Geddes (Executive Producer of this year's album), with Steve Melanson.

Corey Isenor.

Chris Roberts.

Randy Rose.

Jessica Frenette.

Josh and Sarah.

A photo of the crowd, between acts.

Pat LePoidevin.

Meghan Blanchard.

Mark Geddes, on the mandolin.

Shawn Bostick, Director of the Atlantic Office of the Canadian Music Centre.

Luke Patterson.

The crowd was appreciating Meghan's performance.

A close-up of Mark's mandolin.

The next group of photos is from the second launch night on March 30th. Three acts played at this launch, which was designed for a smaller crowd. This photo shows the "Songwriter's Circle" in the attic, with professors Owen Griffiths and Frank Strain, and then Steve Melanson on the right.

Stephen Law, another member of the Songwriter's Circle in the Attic.

Robert Campbell, President of Mount Allison University, who was generous enough to offer his home for the second launch night. Dr. Campbell is a very big supporter of the Conduct Becoming project, and he is also a very knowledgeable fan of live music in general.

Zach Gough.

Joe Frigault.

Sarah, Alicia, and Amy.

Mark Geddes & Josh Ellis, of the Big City Butchers.

Owen Griffiths.

Mark Payne.

Stephen Law.

Mark Geddes & Josh Ellis, of the Big City Butchers.

Joe Frigault.

Neil McIntyre.

Frank Strain.

Steve Melanson.

Frank Strain.

A jam session in the attic.

Zach Gough.

Mark, Neil, Joe, and Zach.

Socializing between acts.

Enjoying the evening.

The whole gang.